Should I, and Can I Get A Private Smear Test Near Me?

Should I, and Can I Get A Private Smear Test Near Me?

Should I, and Can I Get A Private Smear Test Near Me?

It is perhaps fair to say that many, if not most, women do not look forward to having a smear test for several reasons. Chief amongst them is the thought of not knowing which medical professional is going to carry out the test and whether they will be male or female. Added to this is the difficulty women can face in getting a test appointment which is convenient for them.

What is the smear test?

The very name can strike fear or worry into the heart, so it is important to clarify exactly what the smear test is and what it is for. During the test itself, a sample of cells is taken from the neck of the womb, and these are then sent to a laboratory to be examined for any signs of abnormal cells or of the Human Papilloma Virus which can cause changes to cervical cells. The test is actually called cervical screening, and despite what some mistakenly refer to as a ‘cancer test’ its purpose is actually to prevent cancer. This is why it is so important to have regular smear tests, which in the UK are offered to women between the ages of 25 to 64.

Benefits of a Private Smear Test Near You

For many women today though, who lead busy lives juggling work, families and social activities and who may be time-poor, the question is – can I get a private smear test near me? And would this have any advantages over waiting to be called to attend a routine smear test with my regular GP?

There are many benefits to having a private smear test as can be done at the Beaumont Hospital in Bolton by Mr Broome. The first of these is in the sheer convenience of being able to book an appointment for a time and date which suits you rather than having to wait until your GP or practice nurse can fit you in. At most hospitals, you will be able to get a quick appointment too at a time of your choosing rather than waiting for the NHS to call you for your three-yearly appointment or, if you are aged between 50 and 64, your five-yearly appointment. If you are worried, isn’t it much better to be able to book a private smear test quickly and put your mind at rest?

In most cases, you will be able to get a test at a place which is conveniently close to your home or place of work so that you don’t have to travel too far or take too much time out of your busy day.

In addition, you will usually be able to request a female doctor to carry out your private smear test if you would prefer to avoid having a male doctor carry out such an intimate test.

Fast Results

Under normal circumstances, the results from an NHS smear test can take two to three weeks to come back and let’s face it, it’s not unusual for test results to go astray in the NHS, which is just an additional worry you can do without. After a private smear test, you will usually get your results back in a much shorter time, often 48 to 72 hours. And should you need any further tests or a referral to a gynaecological specialist, this will be arranged for you, again at a time and date which is convenient for you.

According to NHS Scotland statistics around 3000 cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed every year in the UK, and the chances of being successfully treated for it depend on how early it is diagnosed.

If you have concerns or simply want to make getting your next test easier, you don’t have to wait for the routine NHS call. Book a private smear test near to you and you may wonder why you hadn’t thought of it before.

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