Laparoscopic Removal of Ovaries, Bilateral Salpino-Oophorectomy (BSO)

Mr Broome can perform a BSO where one or both ovaries and Fallopian tubes are removed through keyhole surgery. The procedure takes about an hour under general anaesthetic and three small incisions through the tummy are used through which the operation is carried out. It involves an overnight stay in hospital and return to normal activities in 2 weeks.

Laparoscopic Removal of Ovaries, Bilateral Salpino-Oophorectomy (BSO)

There are many reasons why this surgery can be performed:

  • For those women with severe Pre-menstrual symptoms
  • For those women who suffer from ovarian cysts in the peri-menopause
  • For those women who suffer with advanced endometriosis
  • As a preventative measure to remove the risk of ovarian cancer
  • For those women at greater risk of developing ovarian cancer due to family history or the genetic (BRCA 1/2) gene or who have had hormone related breast cancer.


What happens after the BSO?

If this procedure is performed before your menopause you no longer have the means to create oestrogen or progesterone and your body will immediately enter the menopause. For this reason, Mr Broome will prescribe Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to prevent menopausal symptoms and ease the transition. If the procedure is undertaken when you are already in the menopause HRT is optional.


Are there any risks associated with this surgery?

There are the usual risks of any surgery: bleeding, injury to adjacent pelvic organs (bladder, bowel), infection and anaesthetic concerns (chest infection for those with previous lung problems or current smokers).

Mr Broome is the most senior gynaecologist at the Beaumont Hospital and is a very experienced laparoscopic surgeon having performed thousands of operative laparoscopies over his 30 year career. He is very happy to discuss the risks and benefits of surgery with all his patients.